Safety Superhero

Our Coalition has implemented the “Safety Superhero” recognition program.  The goal is to recognize a child who sets a good example for others by practicing safe behaviors.

What makes a Safety Superhero?  There are many reasons they can be nominated for this recognition and chosen as a Safety Superhero.  Here are a few ideas for you.

Do they always remind the family to buckle up?

Do they wear a properly fitted helmet and encourage others to do the same?

Do, they always make sure to wear their life jacket (hopefully, U.S. Coast-Guard approved!)?

Do they help take care of their siblings? 

Do they remind you to practice safe habits such as replacing batteries, checking fire alarms, checking CO detectors, wearing warm clothes when playing outside in cold weather, and/or being safe around fires?

It is easy to nominate a child.  You don’t have to be a parent or guardian but if you are not the parent/guardian, please obtain the parent’s’ permission as we do ask you to supply us with a photo of the child to use in our newsletter and on social media.  Parent prefers us to not use a photo of the child? That is fine, you can still nominate a child.

Tell us why you think the child is a Superhero to you and they could be a monthly winner.  Each nominee will receive a Certificate of Heroism and one child will be chosen as the Safety Superhero of the Month and receive a special prize!
