Medicine Safety Presentation with the Boys and Girls Club

Safe Kids Missoula visited the Boys and Girls Club in Lolo yesterday afternoon to give a presentation about medicine safety. The goal was to spread the message of medicine safety in the home. To start off, the kids played a game where they had to guess which bags were candy and which bags were medicine. There were a few, even for the adults, that were tricky to get correct! It is hard to tell the difference sometimes and until side by side, you cannot tell how much they look alike. They learned why it is important to properly store these items, keeping medicine up and away, and considering where kids might look. We also defined what medicine is to help them understand the difference between over the counter and prescription medicine. We asked them to model good behavior and use medicine responsibly, especially around other children such as a little brother and sister. For wrap up, we played a few more games and left Lolo with the kids’ voices singing the Poison Help Number (1-800-222-1222) to a certain tune, ensured they wouldn’t forget that one.
