Almost a Christmas Disaster

It was Christmas day for Ali and her family and one of the gifts that she received was a dirt bike for her and her brother. This dirt bike had three wheels and was able to go really fast. Excited to try it out, they all took turns riding it around. Soon, Ali’s turn arrived, but she had never driven a bike with a hand throttle. She started to pick up speed and her family shouted, telling her to brake but she thought the throttle was the brake. Suddenly a piece of metal on the side cut her leg as she zoomed by it. She still has that scar today. Finally, she hit a wall, and fell, knocking her unconscious. The helmet she was wearing actually cracked open. They rushed her to the emergency room to see if she had a concussion. Thankfully she walked away without one. Ali and her family know that it is important to be aware of your surroundings and to be confident and in control. She knows what could of happened if she wasn’t wearing a properly fitted helmet, and that Christmas day could have looked much different. 
