Keeping Kids Safe Around Liquid Laundry Packets

Did you know that liquid laundry packets are concentrated and designed to dissolve in water? They are similar in design to pods for dishwashing machines. These soap packets are easy to use and store, however, there is also a down side to them.

Each year, hundreds of children get into laundry packets and experience side effects. Many of these instances resulted in calls to Poison Control with the majority of children who are at the greatest risk being 1 and 2 year old. Some of those side effects have included difficulty breathing, excessive vomiting, severe eye burns/irritation, temporary vision loss and/or loss of consciousness.

There are ways to help keep kiddos safe.

  1. Keep the soap packets out of children’s sight and reach.
  2. Keep the soap packets in their original container, with the container closed, at all times.
  3. If a child get’s into liquid soap packets, call the Poison Help number right away at 1 (800) 222-1222.