Overdose and its Consequences by KLB

I have never had to think about the consequences of an overdose until recently.  A trip to the emergency room, medications given that I do not take on a regular basis, an allergic reaction and more.  This situation has led to me rethinking when and how overdoses happen and if naloxone should be on hand for everyone. I have decided that I need to get more information and I need to be more educated.  That line of thinking has led me to learn more and be better.   I was not aware that you can overdose on depressants, alcohol, opioids, prescription medications and so much more.  I did not think that just going to an emergency room would create a need for education.  I did not think that something as simple as combining medications could have such disastrous outcomes.  I encourage others to learn about overdose and naloxone.  https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/overdose/
